I know I said "family obligations" last week, and so I did: family visited from out of town. One nice thing about vacationing from home was being a tourist in my own back yard. One day we took a trip to the La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles. Pit 91 was being excavated in what has to rank among the dirtiest jobs in science: painstakingly excavating bones from gooey smelly asphalt. The afternoon we were there, all the excavators were women.Anyone who claims that women won't do dirty work is just clueless. Here's a video showing the kind of excavation going on there (note: it's set to The Who, so you might want to turn the volume down if you're pretending to do something productive!).
And here I am next to a giant sloth which I hope isn't going to end up my blogging mascot . . .

Tags: La Brea tar pits, paleontology, Los Angeles
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