Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Hidden Giants: 4000 Years of Women in Science

Science is a traditional role for women. For over 4,000 years of written history women have participated in this great human adventure. Science an technology are neither new nor difficult for women any more than they are for men. The stories of many of our scientists do not form part of our instruction in science from kindergarten through college. Missing from out textbooks and data are the fundamental contributions of scientists, both male and female, but especially female. Female creativity and genius fill our technical past. The stories of these women not only provide role models for future scientists, but also they strengthen and broaden our ability to deal with the present.
- Preface to
The Hidden Giants
Dr. Sethanne Howard has let me know about her book, The Hidden Giants, which is based on her excellent web site, 4000 Years of Women in Science.

Dr. Howard knows firsthand what it's like to be a female scientist. In 1965 she became the first woman to receive a physics degree from the University of California at Davis, and went on to receive a PhD in astrophysics from Georgia State University. She recently retired as Chief of the Nautical Almanac Office at the US Naval Observatory. You can listen to a brief interview with Howard on the January 2nd, 2007 episode of The Current on CBC Radio (Part 3, starting at about 16:00).

The Hidden Giants is available through and, which also has a downloadable e-book version. A preview of the text is available on Google books.

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Anonymous said...

never look down on women, they can see things from different perspectives. but what troubles me is there're always more female taking science degree compared to males (from my experience), but why in the end many female quit from the area?