Saturday, July 05, 2008

Women in Science Link Roundup: July 5 Edition

Some miscellaneous links from the past couple of weeks:

At Feministe: The Ivory Ceiling: How Academia Keeps Women Out

Razib at Gene Expression has a post about the political views of professors, which shows "the majority of professors ascribe the underrepresentation of females in science & engineering not to discrimination".

Writer Leslie Warner describes her experience at the "Frontiers of Brain Science" workshop at MIT and her crush on neurobiologist Rebecca Saxe after hearing her presentation.

RSC Publishing has an interview with Patricia Bassereau, who leads the membranes and cellular functions group in the physical chemistry department at the Curie Institute in Paris.

Leslie Madsen Brooks at BlogHer has 10 tips for visiting museums with girls.

At Why All Things Lead to Chaos there's a post on (Women) Engineers Demystified (via Gena Haskett)

Listen to a segment on Science Friday about "Frequency Hopping" the play about Heddy Lamarr.

ABC News on "Women Dropping Out of Science Careers"

Zuska writes about the use of inclusive language.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great links, Peggy!! After reading the Feministe piece, I blogged about the ongoing issue of the ivory ceiling and overcoming sexism in the sciences and in the U. at my own blog. I'd welcome folks checking it out ane letting me know what you think: Also, I'm starting a reseach project on the "clogging of the pipeline" for women between Associate and Full Professor, and am looking for others interested in the same thing...


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