Thursday, July 24, 2008

Women in Science Summer Reading

If you are interested in some scholarly women in science-related reading to take to the beach, you might be interested in Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology: Three Decades of UK Initiatives by University of Sussex Director of Gender Studies Alison Phipps. Pat at Fairer Science says it's interesting and thought provoking:
The author looks at 150 programs including classroom research interventions, network development, after school programs and training programs for women returning to the workforce, all designed to increase the participation and success of women and girls in SECT. By taking an historical perspective and using both archival information and personal interviews, this overview provides an interesting starting point for further discussion of the assumptions underlying the programs and the ways in which these assumptions influenced their success. The author argues that too often the assumption is that the problem resides solely in women and girls rather than looking at the co-construction of gender and SECT. She argues for an approach that is more systematic as opposed to “fixing” individual women.
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Also, the National Academies report, Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering, can be ordered through the National Academies Press at at 25% discount through August 15. Just use code EBBB25 when checking out. You can also read the text online for free. And there is also a Beyond Bias and Barriers podcast you can download, if you'd rather listen than read.

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