Dr. Shelley Ann des Etages is a senior principal scientist at Pfizer. She talks about being inspired by strong women, and hopes that other women will follow her into science.
Dr. Bonnie Bassler, professor of molecular biology at Princeton University, who discovered "Quorum Sensing" - a way of collaborating - in bacteria. She talks about the challenged associated with being a woman in science.
Bassler also talks about becoming a scientist.
Dr. Shirley Tilghman is President of Princeton University and a professor of molecular biology. She talks about her own experiences and women in science.
Dr. Paris Sabeti, human genome researcher and Assistant Professor at Harvard University talks about women in science
Other women in science and technology featured at the Big Think:
- Dr. Sarah Schlesinger, associate professor at The Rockefeller University who works on HIV vaccine research talks about working in a lab as a young person.
- Harvard particle physicist Lisa Randall talks about her research and science in general
- Chairman of EDventure Holdings talks about why there are so few women in technology, and explains what she thinks it takes for a woman to be a leader in technology
- Pfizer scientist Sonia Patel talks about her first science experiment
- Mary Lou Jepsen, a founder of One Laptop Per Child and Pixel Qi talks about computer design, children and science.
- Think Science Now and Supporting Science Education
- Big Think: Shirley Tilghman on Women in Science
- Follow Up: Pardis Sabeti on ScienceNOW tomorrow
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