Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Women in Science at Big Think

Annelle Sheline at Big Think wrote to let me know that they have a series of interviews with women scientists. The interviewee list is very heavy on bioscientists, which is unfortunate, I think, since women are already relatively well represented in those fields. Anyway, I've linked to most of these before, but here they are collected in one handy post:

Dr. Shelley Ann des Etages is a senior principal scientist at Pfizer. She talks about being inspired by strong women, and hopes that other women will follow her into science.

Dr. Bonnie Bassler, professor of molecular biology at Princeton University, who discovered "Quorum Sensing" - a way of collaborating - in bacteria. She talks about the challenged associated with being a woman in science.

Bassler also talks about becoming a scientist.

Dr. Shirley Tilghman is President of Princeton University and a professor of molecular biology. She talks about her own experiences and women in science.

Dr. Paris Sabeti, human genome researcher and Assistant Professor at Harvard University talks about women in science

Other women in science and technology featured at the Big Think:
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