Friday, August 01, 2008

Women in Science Op-Ed

The Association for Women in Science and Society of Women Engineers has written an op-ed in response to John Tierney's anti-Title IX column in the New York Times (my post on the column).
[AWIS] constructed an in-depth op-ed, also in collaboration with SWE. With support from the National Women's Editorial Forum, a group dedicated to increasing the supply of commentary by women and their participation in the media, our piece has been distributed to every weekly and daily newspaper in the country.

The op-ed focuses on the importance of Title IX compliance and seeks to debunk some of the misconceptions associated with the law including that it is only applicable to sports. Some claim Title IX compliance reviews are a "new" way to apply the law to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), but this law has been applicable to all educational programs receiving federal funds for 36 years.

Look for the op-ed in your local newspaper over the coming week. If you don't see it published soon, contact your local paper and request they print a copy.

I suspect my paper won't bother to publish the op-ed, since they regularly publish op-eds from Jonah "liberals are fascists" Goldberg, but it certainly can't hurt to ask them.

AWIS also wrote a letter to the NY Times responding to Tierney's column, which the "newspaper of record" has chosen not to publish.

(via Zuska)

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