Monday, September 29, 2008

A Question for Readers Familiar with Girl Scouts: Is there A Code-Breaking Badge?

Reader Sara is a Girl Scout leader who was inspired by a visit to the Cryptologic Museum in Maryland to ask whether there is a related badge program. She says:
Specifically what we are looking for is a council that has a Girl Scout Try-It, Badge, and IP Program on code breaking or very similar type things.
I don't remember any badge programs as cool as that from back when I was a scout, but that was 30ish years ago. Can one of you readers can help Sara out?

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Most of the latest computer badges and Try-Its are posted online. I can't think of one that is expressly limited to the ideas of Code-Breaking, but it probably does have an activity or two in a badge that girls can choose from.


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