Thursday, September 25, 2008

Women in Chemistry @ Chemical Heritage Foundation

This week's episode of the Chemical Heritage Foundation podcast focuses on women in chemistry:
Breaking through the glass ceiling can be tough, especially when you are a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field. This week’s episode takes a look at women in chemistry. First, we learn about the brave physicist after whom meitnerium is named. Then we talk with Donna Nelson, a chemistry professor and spokeswoman for women in the sciences. Finally, producer Catherine Girardeau shares an interview with her grandmother, a dietary researcher credited with changing the eating habits of Americans in the mid-20th century. Element of the Week: Meitnerium.
A bit more background information for those of you who don't mind spoilers:
Image: Dr. Donna J. Nelson
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:07 PM

    How about women at Microsoft!


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