Thursday, November 20, 2008

Links and Awards

Thanks to everyone who has been linking here over the past few months. I'd like to give a couple of special thank-yous.

Indiana University Professor Richard Hake has included Women in Science in his list of education blogs. It's part of his larger project compiling resources for physics education.

Long ago Nina Munteanu kindly awarded me the Excellent Blog award. I was meant to pass it on by listing 10 more blogs, but I couldn't narrow down my choices to only ten. All of you reading this can consider yourself awarded and pass it on.

All Diva Media has listed me as one of 20 Women Bloggers to Watch in 2009 . Follow the link and check out some of the other cool blogs by women.


  1. I think you do an amazing job here. When I talk to academic people about why online communities are important (while carefully not admitting my own participation since I'm a bit too personal on my blog), I tend to point people to what you write. You do a beautiful job of letting us know where the important problems and posts live and I absolutely agree that you deserve all kinds of awards for it. :)

  2. Thanks post-doc, I'm glad you enjoy the blog!

  3. Ditto, Peggy! I agree with post-doc. Keep doing what you're doing... :)


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