Sunday, December 14, 2008

Women in Science Holiday Gift Guide

While I'm sure most of you are super organized and have all your Christmas/Hanukkah/Winter Solstice or other December holiday gift shopping finished, some of us are still trying to find the perfect gifts for our family and friends. I thought I'd suggest a few possible gifts for women scientist and women who love science.

"This is what a scientist looks like" T-shirts carries a great selection of science-themed T-shirts, including the "this is what a scientist looks like" women's Tee, pictured at left. It also comes in a Junior cap-sleeve style. The design is fully customizable, so you can replace "scientist" with "physicist" or "chemist" or "engineer". ScienceWoman modeled one of the shirts on her blog, so you can see what it looks like on a human.

Part of my Scienceblogs swag was a limited-edition Sciencewomen T-shirt, which I believe also came from Yellow Ibis. The quality is good and it seems to run true to size.

Their Last Minute Sale runs through tomorrow, December 15th, so if you order promptly you can get $5 off orders of $13+.

Science-themed jewelry

My favorite science-related jewelry is by Made With Molecules (and I've alerted Santa of that fact). There's something to suit every chemical taste: you could chose the fairly simple dopamine and caffeine necklaces and earrings, the elegant "red wine" resveratrol and garnet necklace, or have your name or other message spelled out in amino acids. It's like fate that one of the examples of peptide jewelry spells out "PEGGY" (at right).

I also like NB Design's silver jewelry, such as the Erlenmeyer flask pendant shown at left.

And for more colorful items I like Surly-Ramics "Smart Jewelry", such as the "science is sexy" pendant (at right).

Science Art

If jewelry isn't your (or your giftee's) cup of tea, you might consider science-themed art.

Tiffany Ard's colorful "art for nerds and nurseries" would indeed be perfect for a nursery or kid's room. But I like their whimsical look too. Shown at left: detail from "I love love LOVE my microscope". Right: detail from "Newton's Laws of Motion".

Our galaxy is colorful too, and I think photos of nebulae, planets and stars are also works of art. Shown at left: The Orion Nebula from Fletcher Photos.

Books, books and more books

Despite all the nice T-shirts, art and jewelry out there, my usual go-to gifts are books (and they make up the bulk of my own wish list too)!

I've put together an store, so it's easy to find books about women in science. I've split them into four categories:

So obviously these are suggestions based on my own taste. Do you have other suggestions or an Etsy store? Leave a comment!

(Please only leave links to sciency items, or items scientists might especially like. There are plenty of other web sites that discuss gifts in general. I'll be using my judgment to delete comments I think are spam.)

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  1. I actually made a science/geek list on Black Friday. I really am a geek so anything from the Discovery Store would make me happy. I'm easy to please!

  2. I love shopping at ThinkGeek ( for gifts. They have women's apparel and great electronic toys and gadgets. They even have motherboard lights, Christmas ornaments and geeky wrapping paper.

  3. I second Think Geek. Though I have all the related geek shirts already. My favourite has to be "I'm uncertain about Quantum Mechanics"

  4. There are some other goodies for women in science and engineering at

  5. Cool list. You might want to check out my blog: Gifts for the Girl Geek

  6. Great idea for a post, to you and the commenters who made their own!

  7. Thanks for the additional suggestions everybody! I've added a couple of items to my own wish list for next year.

    And confidential to "Susan": if you are a real reader, feel free to comment again without the link to your car insurance web site. Note that spamming the comments claiming to be a "new reader" works better if you only do it once.

  8. Great post! The post offering new ideas for women gifts. I want to say something for this post, i have also one gift idea for women perfume Evening in Paris. You can consider this in your gift list. New year, valentine's day, birthday only comes once time in a year. So you can give this your loved ones.


Blogger is having some sort of problem which makes spam comments undeletable. I've turned on comment moderation on posts more than one month old until that's fixed. Sorry about the inconvenience. I'll try to approve your comment as soon as possible.