Thursday, March 26, 2009

Visit Dr. Isis to Help a Young Woman Scientist

Dr. Isis, hot science and fabulous shoe blogger extraordinaire, is putting the money where her mouth is (so to speak), and using revenue from her blog to fund an award for a budding young woman scientist. She says:
Since joining ScienceBlogs I have been in contact and discussion with the executive director of the American Physiological Society, discussing ways I might use my blog powers for good instead of solely evil. The APS has very kindly agreed to allow us (hang tight, I'm not asking for money, seriously) to fund an award at this year's Experimental Biology meeting for the undergraduate woman who submits the best abstract. Each year the APS awards seven David Bruce Awards for undergraduate research excellence and, within the structure of this program, the APS will be adding an eighth award specifically from me and my lovely readers (but I'm not asking for money. I promise). I really loved the idea of using my blog to encourage and reward a more junior scientist who had done excellent work and visiting these undergraduate poster presentations are really a highlight for me each year.
You can help fund the award by simply visiting On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess. So far the fundraising is apparently going very well, and Dr. Isis says "If you keep visiting the way you are now (or maybe one extra click more a day to help a sister out? or maybe you would tell one friend about the blog?) we're going to be able to do something much bigger than I initially anticipated we would. Much." So go and read!

If you need somewhere to start, you might want to begin with her post about Marion Diamond, then continue on from there. You won't regret it.

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