Monday, August 18, 2008

Female Science Professor In Print

If you are a fan of Female Science Professor's writing, as I am, you'll be glad to hear that she's reworked a bunch of her old posts into a book, lengthily titled
Academeology: Random Musings, Strong Opinions & Somewhat Bizarre Anecdotes From An Academic Life. Some of the section headings (via Confessions of a Science Librarian, since Lulu is down at the moment):
  • Acquiring an academic job
  • The Graduate School Experience: Getting In
  • The Graduate School Experience: Professor-Student Relations
  • Speaking of Talks
  • Success, Failure, Ambition, Fame
  • Cruel and Unusual: Faculty Meetings
You can also read a sample from the introduction to a chapter on being evaluated as a professor. It sounds like a great source of "behind the scenes" information for anyone pursuing a science career in academia.

Academeology: Random Musings, Strong Opinions & Somewhat Bizarre Anecdotes From An Academic Life is available in print and pdf versions at

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  1. This is exciting!I'm so glad I lurk your site to keep me up to date with everyone else's!

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I used to read this blog fairly regularly but I no longer believe this person is who they claim to be and the events she describes are real. An active researcher with grants and a large lab who sells a memoir book and logo t-shirts? I just don't believe it - some of what s/he writes rings true but more and more of it seems to me to be a front for making money from people who think s/he has some insight.

  3. Anonymous: I don't know who Female Science Professor actually is, but I sincerely doubt she is making much money, either through Lulu or by selling mugs. And it seems extraordinarily unlikely that someone would create such a persona and regularly post on a blog for a couple of years just to make a few dollars. Of course you can believe her or not.


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