Inside Higher Ed writes about the "Keys to Hiring Women in Science"
From the British Psychological Society Research Digest Blog: Gender stereotypes can distort our memories
An initial study with 73 high school students (34 boys) showed that those students who more strongly endorsed gender stereotypes in relation to maths and the arts, subsequently showed more biased recall of their past exam performance. That is, girls who endorsed the stereotypes underestimated their past maths performance, while boys who endorsed the stereotypes tended to underestimate their past arts performance.In an older post, Rob Knop writes about the myth of the meritocracy in physics. (via DrugMonkey)
The Barnard Alumnae magazine has a profile of applied physics and mathematics professor Gertrude Neumark Rothschild, class of '48.
UNESCO interviews two previous L'Oreal Women in Science award winners:
• Khady Nani Dramé on why peasant rice farmers need no longer
sustain heavy losses in times of drought
• Andrea Mantesso explains why teeth will help to shape the future
of stem cell research
From the Sunday Herald: "Ascent of woman: How females lead ape studies"
ScienceNews reviews Maria Mitchell and the Sexing of Science: An Astronomer Among the American Romantics
Annalee Newitz at io9 talks to scientist and science fiction novelist Ekaterina Sedia about female robots and chemical prejudice
ScienceWoman proposes "Scientists are people too, and it's time we started traeting them that way"
Chad Orzel on why self-esteem is not why students are being turned off from science.
PZ Myers writes about motivating students (and motivating women) to pursue science careers
At Feministe Octagalore writes about the effect of the economy on women "choosing" to leave the workforce.
CNN reports "Anger in the office - it hurts women more". So just stop complaining, don't nag, and just let it go if it's not too important. Said one "expert": "I always tell women on the job, kill them with kindness," she says. So I guess the trick is to just smile, then blog about it anonymously.
Business week has a slide show featuring this year's winners of the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair - all girls!
Lifehacker talks to Dr. Horrible actress Felicia Day about being a "geek-girl". Her major in math was a "fallback" degree in case music didn't pan out.
Tags: women in science, gender gap, stereotypes
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